In the schedule, which is an online editable document, you can sign up for events you are trained for and that is available. You can do this a week or more in advance.
Talk with other team members, so that the load and benefits are shared and that the free spots will be covered.
Ideally, sign up in advance for a day in the schedule. Support the team by checking if a healer signed up on an actual day. Cover open spots
Check The TT value of your healing tool at the beginning.
Talk with the Host of the day (sort your place to heal in the case of more than one circle)
Join a Team, if one was set up to see health bars.
On Calypso, announce in local chat “Jump for heals at 50% health or lower to be healed” or similar.
This isn’t always needed on Arkadia/Next Island, but if the circles there are big, it can be helpful.
Carefully support the puller of fresh animals or pull yourself a new animal when the current one dries out.
If there are many AFK sweaters in a circle it can easily be ruined, so only heal those that jump.
In small circles, you can heal everyone to make sure everything runs smoothly.
Try to stop healing around a level of 80% health.
Don’t sweat yourself during events if it can cause deaths of the sweaters.
(coordinate with the host)
Aside from a few exceptions, you cannot sell to the SSI host anymore as team member of BIG industries. So to reach Agility level (LvL) 41 first might be something to consider.
Get your decay paid back from the host at the end of the event.
Be supportive in general.
These are the tools and chips we have decided you can use.
[Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI]
[S.I. H.E.A.R.T.]
[Vivo T1A (L)] from TT (tt)
[Vivo S10]
[Regeneration Chip 1]
[Regeneration Chip 1 (L)]
[Regeneration Chip 3]
[Regeneration Chip 3 (L)]
Please read the text, watch the video, and fill out the webform at the end.
Apply for this job here HERE
As the host, you are the one who decides about the details in the event. You have a good range of freedom how you handle the procedures. Your word counts the most while the show is going on.
Regardless of that, there are some core rules and processes that need to be followed.
Of course, the general BIG POLICY is the main guideline overall. Furthermore, this is to say about the Events.
- Ideally, you signed up in advance in the schedule and take care the event is covered
- Creating a team to help the healer seeing health bars and sort the killing is recommended. Observation of loot for guns, tools, or other items is mandatory. The values of dropping items should be split and shared with participants of the kill. If possible the Host pays out the share and sells the item afterward. Items with High MU can be placed on auction and the participants receive their share after the sale.
- These team rules need to be published during the event so any participant knows and agrees to them or can leave the team.
- Sweat is bought only from Avatars with a maximum of 40.99 Agility.
- No buying from known Sweat reseller or player who are on our blacklist ( look in the schedule)
- The only allowed weapon on ARKADIA, NEXT ISLAND for teams is the TT Pistol to avoid permanent discussion and needs of decisions on which weapon can be used or not. The reason for equal damage by any participant is the whish to share the loot equal as well. CALYPSO is open becuase of the high HP and regen of the Ambulimax.
- The Host handles the sweat buying from up to 10 participants. Participants need to have a maximum Agility lvl of 40.99.
- The Host decides about the way how to choose the 10 Seller of the day. Variants of the process are always possible. The most common approach is a “foolproof” Question and chooses the first 10 correct answering players. Other ways are thinkable and more usable options might be introduced in the future.
- Trades for sweat are done by the Host. The cost for the healer is compensated by the host as well. The overall cost is set as a note in the schedule, afterwards, they will be edited in his payslip and paid back by any Leader during the Week while the bought sweat is handed over to the Leader.
Hunt Promotion
The Job of the Hunt Promotion is simply to be a “Town Caller ”
Visite public populated places in the game and set a message about the upcoming hunt events in the local channel and in some dedicated public channel.
For the first hunt it will be 30 minutes tour.
For any further hunt a 15 minutes tour.
Warp Team Leader
Big Industries provide a Free roundtrip between Arkadia / Calypso / Next Island.
To make it possible for our Motherships Pilot to add passengers on the Guestlist of the ship it needs them to be in a team. So She can pick the avatar links and put them on the ship’s guest list.
The team leader promotes the upcoming warp in planets public channels.
A promotion message can be found here…….. Advertiser
And as well provides the first information about the requirements and rules for the warp.
Question from players who are interested to join the flight needs to be answered.
The process of onboarding and the tour needs to be explained.
The flight happens each Sunday around 17:00 game-time.
The route varies, depending on customers’ needs on an actual day.
It is needed to provide the following information
1. Weekly Sundays roundtrip from and to Calypso, Next Island, Arkadia. Enter/Leave at any location possible. Trips paths and order are organized on demand.
2. Stackable Loot is not allowed.
3. Participation in the local Planet’s onboarding team is mandatory until 16:45
4. the First departure from Pathfinder IV start location is scheduled for 17:00
5. Traffic from Spacestation to destination planets surface has to be organized on the passenger’s own behalf.
6. Pilot EKKO will not be able to answer extensive personal messages during the wrap session.
7. Teamleader should provide the upper information during the gathering of the customer at least one time, once the team seems to be complete or nearly complete in the team chat.
8. Advertisements should cover point 1, 2, 5 ….. + forum link (the one for your actual planet)
Calypso –
Next island –
Arkadia –
Pilot to OLA 42
Big Industries provide a free flight 3 times/week from NEW OXFORD TP – to OLA 42 North.
To head idealy in an ongoing SSI or close to the start of one.
The days and times are
Tuesday/Thursday circa 20:30 to arrive at 21:00
Sundays 14:30 to arrive around 15:00
previous to each flight the pilot runs a promotion tour , visiting most publicated beginner areas and teleporter. Posting a advertisement in the local channel and as well in the custo channels like #calypso # rookie.promotion message can be found here…….. Advertiser
to be continued……..
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